Meet Alana Pura, Co-founder of Branding Sisters

Get to know the people behind Branding Sisters with this rapid fire Q&A.

Go-to karaoke song? Anyone who knows me well, knows I would NEVER do karaoke. But, if my life depended on it, it would be “I Wanna Dance with Somebody” by Whitney Houston.

If you could have dinner with any three people, dead or alive, who would they be? My grandma from Latvia. I have so many questions for her that I didn’t get to ask her about her childhood and experience during World War II, Taylor Swift, because I need answers about a lot of things and I am closet Swiftie, and Anthony Bourdain, because I have loads of respect for him and the legacy he left behind.

What's the most adventurous thing you've ever done? Hike a 14’er in the middle of winter. It was my second month living in Colorado, and my sister in-law wanted to hike a 14K foot mountain for her birthday. Without hesitation or really understanding what I was getting into, I agreed. It took us close to 8 hours to complete and for more than half of that time, we were up to our knees in snow. Jury is still out on whether the view at the top was worth it.

What’s your favorite work project you’ve worked on? At my previous company I had the opportunity to travel to Spain to attend the Trek Factory Race Team’s official training camp. I was tasked with helping the riders build their online brands, train them on best practices and help them develop their content strategies. It was such a cool learning experience.

What's your favorite way to unwind after a long day? Numb my brain with any show on BRAVO. Reality TV is my guilty pleasure and how I like to decompress.

What’s one quirky fact about you that not many people know? Time is my biggest anxiety. I’m always worried about being late.

If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go and why? I would go to Spain or anywhere in Europe so I could visit my sister and sister in-law.


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